Marine Accessories and Components Division (MACD)

Join our members in the OEM and aftermarket segments that are vested in the success of the association’s efforts to protect and grow recreational boating through public policy advocacy and industry-focused growth initiatives.


To join NMMA’s Marine Accessories and Components Division (MACD) your business must manufacture marine equipment and materials used in the construction or upgrade of a boat or produce a general marine-related product used to enhance the boating experience.

If your business is based outside of North America, it must have a certificate of authority from at least one province/state of Canada/United States showing it is legally authorized to conduct business in that province/state, thereby submitting to its jurisdiction.  Without such proof, application for NMMA membership will not be considered for a manufacturing firm outside North America.


Marine Accessories and Components Division (MACD) dues are based on the total North American marine sales for your company’s most recently completed fiscal year. Click here to view the MACD dues schedule or reference Section II on the NMMA Membership Application

Annual dues are based on the total North American marine sales for your company’s most recently completed fiscal year. For MACD Members, 25% of dues are dedicated to the support of the Discover Boating marketing campaign.


To join as a MACD member, please contact Sylvie Quenneville.